What to Expect

Our weekends are tailor-made to focus on family strengthening tools and topics relevant to each group’s needs.

What to Expect

Our weekends are tailor-made to focus on family strengthening tools and topics relevant to each group’s needs.


The core of Wellspring is the knowledge and skills you will learn to grow and strengthen your family relationships.

Wellspring engages you in learning through PREP®, a relationship skills curriculum built on more than 30 years of research in the field of relationship health and success.

Learn 3 Keys to Success

Learn tools to improve your relationships. The quality of our relationships is linked to our mental health, earning power, quality of life, job performance and more.

Learn tools to improve your relationships. The quality of our relationships is linked to our mental health, earning power, quality of life, job performance and more.

Discover Ways to Safeguard Hope

Identify ways that we sometimes hurt instead of help situations. Our expectations impact how we experience life. As we learn to identify them, we can evaluate our part in conflict and discover ways to work as a team.

Identify ways that we sometimes hurt instead of help situations. Our expectations impact how we experience life. As we learn to identify them, we can evaluate our part in conflict and discover ways to work as a team.

Gain Skills for Strong Communication

Improve relationships by being a better communicator. Learn to really listen for understanding and not just to respond. Practice speaking in a way that someone else can understand what’s really important to you. With the skills to have important conversations, you can talk more and fight less.

Improve relationships by being a better communicator. Learn to really listen for understanding and not just to respond. Practice speaking in a way that someone else can understand what’s really important to you. With the skills to have important conversations, you can talk more and fight less.

Connect and Share Social Support

We all need a network of support in life. Look outside of your immediate family and develop a healthy network of friends and community resources to support you. At Wellspring, you can develop friendships and share with others who have similar experiences. Others can gain encouragement and support from hearing about your journey too.

We all need a network of support in life. Look outside of your immediate family and develop a healthy network of friends and community resources to support you. At Wellspring, you can develop friendships and share with others who have similar experiences. Others can gain encouragement and support from hearing about your journey too.

Grow Your Knowledge Base and Benefit From Community Leaders

During our expert-led sessions, you’ll hear from community leaders who share insights about challenging areas of life. You’ll also have access to tools and resources as we invite other organizations to be a part of the weekend. Explore resources within the community to move forward on your journey.

During our expert-led sessions, you’ll hear from community leaders who share insights about challenging areas of life. You’ll also have access to tools and resources as we invite other organizations to be a part of the weekend. Explore resources within the community to move forward on your journey.

Discover Future Possibilities

Examine the important milestones in your life and think through how they shaped who you are. After looking back, we will plan for the future — looking ahead and using the tools from this weekend to build your path to a brighter tomorrow.

Examine the important milestones in your life and think through how they shaped who you are. After looking back, we will plan for the future — looking ahead and using the tools from this weekend to build your path to a brighter tomorrow.


Wellspring offers many opportunities for connection to strengthen your family.

You’ll have time to connect with others who are experiencing similar things as you grow your network of support.


We offer expert guest speakers and a resource fair featuring our community partners to help you find tools tailored to fit your needs.


We provide everything you need to renew your hope for the future and make it happen.

All meals are provided to you, free of charge.

Celebration of Growth

We have a special dinner planned for you on Saturday night. People love to dress up for this memorable evening. There will be plenty of Instagram-worthy photo ops!


We will get you checked in and supply your room key after the event starts.

Child-Free Time

Children do not attend the event. A child care stipend is available to help offset the cost of care.

Interested in attending?

Connect with us and let us know which events could benefit you most. We’ll have a team member get in touch with you to share more information.

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